
1. What was the most important take-away for me from this week’s learning topic and activities?

All in all, this class was so wonderful and enjoyable 🙂

The first important take-away is understanding what employee should learn through socializing? This should include organization history, goal, language, politics, people and performance proficiency because through this we are essentially socializing the employees to the organizational culture. Another point, it’s a myth that everyone want to be a manager because its totally not about being a manager but having a well designed career path so when I work I have a clear vision of the ladder and what is awaiting me and toward what I’m aiming. Also, I liked the work/life balance programs and the flexibility of work arrangements & alternative work schedule.

2. What information from this week’s learning topic and activities would I most likely share with a colleague?

Many great things to share out of this great week, and already I shared some directly after the class with my sister specially about the inspiring video (The power of time off) and the socialization program. I love sharing experiences and resources and I believe on that an idea can come to our mind and sharing it with the right people expand it more and more, and at the end you can end up with something that you shape it in a way that can FIT 😉 your organization and match the working environment and people. When I shared my thought about tracking employee’s hobbies & interest on my previous blog I had an idea in my mind and when I looked at your workshop “Call for participation email + the catalog” this enhanced and expand my idea more. Then when I share it with my sister, she said that they have a similar thing at her organization and they received an email to fill up a form to know their interests and what they are good at. A

3. What comments or suggestions do you have about this week’s learning topic and activities?

You know dr. you are really so creative with your classes and on each class you have something new or a subject or interesting topic, so I don’t know what to suggest 🙂 BUT there will be always space for comments which I enjoy writing them 🙂 First, the idea of inviting a guest speaker was so nice and I really liked Greg presentation about his thoughts of building capacity. He really mentioned interesting logical thoughts and so inspiring story how he become a more motivated and dedicated employee and find more free time for him self. Also, I liked the way he critically analyses the stakeholders for UAE national, expatriates & organization. Greg presentation holds many valuable & inspiring insights and sure it would be great if it was a physical class but I’m so happy that it was online and his presentation is recorded and we can get back to it. So, THANK YOU DR. ❤ for inviting Greg.

Many times I have repeated to my colleagues “We need to close this place for a while!!!” I meant our organization but I was kidding or say it because of the mess work we do 🙂 and I never thought such things are done on reality and Stephan close his design studio for 1 Year each 7 Years :). I loved ❤ “The power of time off” video, its was so inspiring in a way that really make you stop and reconsider the idea of time off and look at from totally different way. Its not only about work or holiday or travel, I saw it more about life and everything on it. So lovely ❤

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